“David Mainelli's people have nerves so frayed you pray for their vulnerable hearts page by steel-edged page. I see a book in flames. Truth and redemption are fighting under apocalyptic American skies. A holy book of domestic passions by a writer so fiercely graced with insights into the heart's naked chambers you just sit stunned."--Tom Paine author of A Boy’s Book of Nervous Breakdowns
Published by WSC Press
INTERVIEW ——————->
In Mainelli’s stories, characters wish for the American dream. We could have God, money, and sex if we just find the key. But the key is out of reach. In one story, a man inherits $150K, and you think he’s found it. But happiness eludes him. Americans think they deserve to be happy, but in these stories, we don’t know how to make ourselves happy; it’s always achingly out of reach. Mainelli elbows into Denis Johnson’s territory here, gritty working-class middle America, dreaming of something we see on TV, something we can almost imagine feeling. These stories are raw and gritty, and as we settle into a hard year, these are the stories we will yearn for. —
Kate Gale Author of The Goldilocks Zone
The value of this book cannot be overstated.

A (Mini) Interview with Dave
Get in touch.
Readings, ideas, or questions?
A poem. Weird.
“Male Traditions”
Odds and more odd

Reading at Pageturners with Shyla Sheehan & Kate Gale
Cool mention from the same award that George Saunders won a few years back.

Wayne & Northeast Reading and trying to be off-puttish or something.
The Dundee Book Company Reading with Timothy Schaffert
Lifting the book up to read because my bifocals aren't good enough anymore at the Dundee Book Company Reading with Tim Schaffert
My publisher. And editor. And pally. Chad.
My friend Will buying HTBL. His wife, Chris Harding Thornton, wrote a big-time book - buy it too!
It was an honor to read with Timothy Schaffert; a Nebraska author and literary champion at The Dundee Book Company.

Bookworm Event

Gratuitous band shot
Plains Writers Series and Northeast Visiting Writers Series
Reading and author Q & A
Recorded on 4/21/21

Upcoming events.
An audio recording of the short story Migraine City